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Ageing & liver disease in HIV - an emerging dynamic

Murphy M, Almusa Z, Farrell G, Murray C, Moriarty A, Broderick M, Murray C, Norris S, Bergin C

Irish participation in a pilot study for European level HIV drug resistance surveillance

Melissa Brady, Martha Neary, Aoife Ronayne, Suzie Coughlan, Cillian De Gascun, Derval Igoe

The status of the HIV response in Europe and Central Asia

Teymur Noori


Drs Michelle McIntyre, Emma Kinghan, GUM, Liz Abernethy CAU

Kaposi Sarcoma: Audit amongst HIV Patients in an urban HIV clinic

Dr. David O Reilly, Dr. Joseph Heskin, Dr. Grainne Courtney, PROF. Fiona Mulcahy

2-drug regimens – A new approach for treating HIV?

GSK working on behalf of ViiV Symposium

Routine Monitoring of non-HIV Specific Bloods in People Living With HIV Attending an Infectious Disease Clinic

Infectious Disease Department Beaumont Hospital

CHEMSEX - A Collaborative Response

Kiran Santlal & Adam Shanley

Risk reduction in an area where rates of HIV acquisition in men who have sex with men (MSM) remain high

Dr Suzanne Todd Royal Victoria Hospital

The Lived Experience of HIV-positive Young Adults in Cork, Ireland: A Qualitative Study

Aoife Burke, Jennifer Russell, Martin Davoren

National audit of STI testing of HIV-positive MSM attending publicly funded HIV clinics in Ireland

Lynam, G. Martin, C. Hurley, D. Igoe, F. Lyons

Gonorrhoea antimicrobial resistance in Ireland, 2010 – 2017

Aoife Colgan, Mary Kelleher, Sinéad Saab, Lisa Rose, Gillian Cullen, Stephen Murchan, Brendan Crowley, Derval Igoe

Management of Menopause in HIV Positive Women


PrEP at the GMHS – one year on

Shay Keating, MB,PhD,MRCP

Child Protection Issues Helping You Understand Your Obligations

Jenny Bulbulia Barrister at Law

Irish participation in a pilot study for European level HIV drug resistance surveillance

Melissa Brady, Martha Neary, Aoife Ronayne, Suzie Coughlan, Cillian De Gascun, Derval Igoe

Telling the truth: Issues around disclosure of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Dr. Andreas Wismeijer, Dr. Vicky Lehmann

The Management of HIV in Older Women

Professor Margaret Johnson, Royal Free NHS Trust

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