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05th Apr 2025

Europa Hotel Belfast

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The Society for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Ireland invites Sponsorship applications from its members.

Please see separate link on SSSTDI Home page for application for GSK sponsored Educational Bursary for two members to attend the NHIVNA conference June 2024 and the HIV Drug therapy Congress Glasgow November 2024

37th IUSTI Europe Congress

September 11-14, 2024 | Hotel Sheraton, Zagreb

Priority will be given to members who have demonstrated a commitment to the field, usually by having at least one year’s membership, and having attended the Societies meetings. Applicants should have a letter of support from a senior team member from their place of work.

Partial or full funding will be provided to attend relevant Courses or Meetings that would benefit the applicant in providing care and services for Sexually Transmitted Infections, or for projects that would enhance knowledge, information and care relevant to Sexually Transmitted Infections

Funding is usually considered for attendance at Courses or Conferences that would advance the participants knowledge, and bring benefit in patient care, public knowledge and Public Health aspects of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Ireland.

Funding is not usually considered for basic Courses, which are considered to be the responsibility of the employer.

Sponsorship applications will be considered by a panel of SSSTDI Council Members


All approvals are at the discretion of the council.

Reasonable costs – Applicants are expected to seek economical and reasonable costs for travel and accommodation.

Accommodation: Conference Hotel or €200 max per night accommodation, Food costs not reimbursed

Travel: economy class travel, whenever possible direct flights.  Taxi costs not reimbursed.  The recipient is required to have Travel and Cancellation insurance in place for the event

Where travel has been booked any change made is at the expense of the participant.

Funding should be sought at least 12 weeks in advance of the event, but may be made retrospectively up to 6 months post attendance at the discretion of Council in exceptional circumstances.,

Reimbursement will be made following attendance at the event normally, following production of receipts and attendance

Receipts to be provided for proof of purchase for all agreed expenses to be reimbursed.

Application Process

  1. Sponsorship application must be completed on-line on the SSSTDI website and submitted 3 months prior to the event.
  2. Administrator shares the application with the Sponsorship Panel of Council Members
  3. Decision will be made on whether NO/PARTIAL/FULL funding will be awarded
  4. Applicant will be informed
  5. Reimbursement will be made after all receipts for agreed costs incurred are provided
  6. All PARTIAL/FULL funding recipients must agree to provide a written report on the event.  They may also be invited to provide a  presentation at the SSSTDI Autumn or Spring meeting
  7. Normal practice will be that once a member has had a course or conference funded under this scheme they will not be considered for funding again for the next two  years.  Council may exercise discretion in this if required.

Pharmaceutical Company Sponsorship

On occasions, Pharmaceutical Companies may make funds available to the SSSTDI to fund Congress attendance, or for projects. These will be administered by the SSSTDI in accordance with the above Guidelines


Sponsorship Application

You must be a paid up member of the SSSTDI to apply for sponsorship.

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