2024 Autumn meeting

Due to high demand registration for the meeting registration is now closed

SSSTDI November 22nd & 23rd Poster Presentations


Poster 1:  Prevalence of oncogenic HPV genotypes in cervical samples at The Coombe Hospital

Dr Judy Lynch Consultant Microbiologist and Lead Virologist. National Cervical Screening Laboratory (NCSL), The Coombe Hospital

Poster 2: Changing for Charlie – The preferred name campaign in RCSI Louth Hospitals

Aoife o Neill CNM2, Mille Gray CNM2, Rachel Gibney surveillance scientist, Catriona Mc Cahey ADON & Debbie Marshall ANP

Poster 3: Sexual health and Wellbeing survey – post primary schools North East

Colette Magnone health protection nurse, Dept of Public Health DNE

Poster 4: A new Young Persons Clinic: One Year Review

Sean McGinley, Anna Harper, Jamie McGriskin, Suzanne Todd Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast

Poster 5: Disengagement in care and managing multiple opportunistic infections in a pregnant patient living with advanced HIV

L. McVeigh, S. McGinley, A. Claridge, E. McCarty, E. Walker, S. Quah, C. Emerson, M. Hunter, H. Bond, L. McCorry, S. Todd The Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast

Poster 6: LGV rise and spread into heterosexual identifying population

Dr Johnny Boylan; Dr Kanchana Wirasinghe. Axess Sexual Health, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Poster 7: Cervical Screening, Colposcopy and HPV Vaccination Among Women Living with HIV attending the GUIDe Clinic, St James’s Hospital

Dr Tara Ramsbottom, Dr Almida Lynam GUIDE Clinic, St James Hospital Dublin

Poster 8: A two year retrospective review of patients 65years and older attending GUIDE

Kate Lee MacDonagh1, Annmarie White1, Almida Lynam1

GUIDE Clinic St. James’s Hospital, Dublin.

Poster 9: Survey of GUIDE nurses’ roles in relation to Genitourinary Medicine (GUM), to assess how roles have expanded since 2008, and an exploration of workplace morale.

Gráinne Kelly, Katie Bolton and Dr Aisling Loy GUIDE Clinic, St James Hospital Dublin

Poster 10: A recognised  outbreak of Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea amongst UL students November and December 2016

Claire Kearns, Practice Nurse Manager, Student Health Centre UL

Poster 11: Management of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) infections at a large urban STI clinic: Are we meeting recommended standards?

Ilenia Fato1, Veronica D’Aquila1, Anna Maria Geretti1, Loredana Sarmati1, Giovanni Villa2, Fiona Lyons2

1Infectious Diseases Unit, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
2GUIDE Clinic, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland

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