Spring Meeting 2025
5th Apr 2025
Registration – Tea/Coffee/Scones
Welcome Dr Aisling Loy, SSSTDI President
Chairperson: Dr Aisling Loy
Presentation 1: ‘Increasing STI screening in a newly commissioned abortion service.’
Dr Sharon Porter
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, Northern Trust Porter S.
Presentation 2: ‘A retrospective review of HIV Partner Notification (PN) in a GU Setting.’
Irene Cahill, Clinical Nurse Specialist
GUIDE Clinic, St James’s Hospital - Cahill I, Murray S.
Presentation 3: ‘Usability assessment of the SOCRATES IT system in an outpatient hospital setting.’
Dr Áine Kennedy, Medical Intern
Midlands Regional Hospital Portlaoise - Kennedy A, Gorman D, McCormack S, Kelly S, Hynes B, Rowley D.
Presentation 4: ‘Why is this taking so long? A case study into the diagnosis and treatment of a patient presenting with symptomatic Mycoplasma Genitalium in the West of Ireland.’
Yvonne O’Donovan, ID Nurse
University Hospital, Galway - O’Donovan Y.
Presentation 5: ‘My tongue will tell the anger of my heart.’
Clara O’Flaherty, ID Registrar
GUIDE Clinic, St James’s Hospital, Dublin - O’Flaherty C, Kerr C.
Presentation 6: ‘Lessons learned from following up chronic hepatitis B cases; the experience of Dublin and Midlands Department Public Health.’
Christopher Ibanga, Health Protection Nurse
Public Health, Dublin and Midlands - Ibanga C, Ingoldsby D. Conlan C, O’Loughlin N, King A, Williams Y, Heanue B, Lekan-Agunbiade T, Dunne K, Warren M, Ward M.
Presentation 7: ‘New adventures in Surveillance, Electronic Health Record – Sexually Transmitted Diseases (HER-STI).’
Martha Neary
Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC), Dublin Neary M, Courtney G, Field D, Campbell M, Cullen L, Downes P, Doyle J, McIntyre A, Nair S, Nishuilleabhain C, O’Donnell K, Williams Y, Igoe D.
Soup & Sandwiches
Chairperson: Dr Eoin Walker
Dr John White, Consultant GUM
Northern & Western Trust Professor Fiona Lyons, Consultant GUM, St James’s Hospital, Dublin
‘Sexual Health on the move.’
Cate Greer, GUM Sexual Health Nurse and Michelle Doyle, PHA Nurse, Western Trust
‘Delivery of GUM/SRH services to those experiencing homelessness.’
Gillian McCullough, GUM Sexual Health Nurse, South Eastern Trust
Dr Enda Barron
GP, Dublin
Closing remarks